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The First The Last
Kyiv, Kyiv
01 Jan 2018
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We are cool kids with an instinct to invent. Design is our playground and while we create an awesome experience, we like having fun. No animals were harmed, no bridges were burned during the parties. As human beings, we get used to "the way things are" really fast. But for designers and creators, the usual things are an opportunity in itself. Not only do we grasp reality in its full spectrum, yet we treat design in detail. Among all the solutions, which floating in weightlessness or gravitate, we help to find its own value - the one and only. Our tight-knit crew loves new challenges and insights. We split between creative strategies to digital experiences, finding strong messages and visual essence. Maybe, we are staying on the ground, but our ambitions fly to the stars. What others take for granted, we pursue to infinity ∞
Head office
Kyiv, KyivReviews
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