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Madison Taylor Marketing
01 Jan 2008
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
PROVIDING EXCEPTIONAL MARKETING SINCE 2008 In 2008 the subprime mortgage crisis caused a minor recession, Barack Obama was elected, Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt won nearly a dozen medals at the Beijing Olympics, and a fourth Indiana Jones movie launched after nearly 20 years. Amidst all the chaos of the world, a small agency was born. At first, it hardly qualified as an agency — in reality, it had a staff consisting solely of Aimee Meester, Chief Marketing Aficionado and Colorado native. Since then, the team has only grown in both size and expertise. In the last dozen years, Madison Taylor Marketing has stayed on the bleeding edge of the marketing world by staying nimble and delivering exceptional marketing and advertising. We were one of the first integrated full-service agencies to embrace growth-driven design — the ability to launch a website as a minimum viable product in weeks, not months, while making continual as the clients’ needs shift and the data informs new direction. We’ve embraced account-based
Office United States
Head office
Greenwood Village, Colorado, United StatesReviews
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