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01 Jan 2015
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
AerPass is the Personal Identity Network. Only You can be You. We believe that the safest ID is one you never have to show to anyone, the safest password is no password at all, and the safest way to pay is without an account number. Your identity is the key to almost everything you do in life. Re-usable and interoperable ID credentials create a user centric identity authentication network that will imprve user experience, conversion, data privacy and cyber security. Our unique Multi-Party Authentication technology eliminates password management costs. AerPass lets you easily assert your identity without ever sharing any of your personally identifying information. We've built the most secure and easy way to log into websites, apps, and other connected services. Users onboard once and with AERPASS they will never need to remember usernames or passwords, and privacy and payment information will always be correct and secure.
Office United States
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Boulder, Colorado, United StatesReviews
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