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Edit Studios
Vancouver, British Columbia
01 Jan 2019
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We are made up of talented designers and brand enthusiast who focus on interior design, graphic design, and architecture. We want to work with clients who are passionate about what they do, and we want to take our clients’ business and brand to the next level. We are storytellers first, and designers second. It is our job to ask lots of questions up front to understand who you are and who you want to be. Together we create an incredible design language for your space that we guarantee no one else has. In today’s climate, authentic branding and messaging are powerful. Top talent is looking for companies with a brand they believe in. We offer the ability for clients to refresh their identity while also undergoing the redesign of their space. We are a nimble, get it done kind of firm. We have stripped away unnecessary bureaucracy and paper pushing in lei of simple, streamlined communication procedures.
Head office
Vancouver, British ColumbiaReviews
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