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01 Jan 2005
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
TechSposure ( provides technology public relations, social media, and communications for technology companies in the United States and Canada. The company has extensive experience in helping companies sell product, solutions, or services to various vertical industries. This is done by building an inbound communications program accomplished through sophisticated public relations. The company also helps companies from other countries launch and establish its business presence in North America. TechSposure provides: tech PR, digital PR, company and product launches, media relations, analyst relations, influencer relations, blogging programs, social media marketing and networking, speaking engagements, thought leadership, messaging and branding, public affairs, news and feature writing, content production, and awards. TechSposure's executives have been at the forefront of many information technology launches including data warehouse and business intelligence, data management technologies, big
Office United States
Head office
Lynnfield, MA, United StatesServices
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Content Marketing
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Marketing Strategy
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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Social Media Marketing
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Above average
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