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s'nce group
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
s’nce group was created to propose the companies and institutions the essence of communication itself, conceived as concreteness, measurability and efficacy in achieving the business’ objective. SCIENTIFIC s’nce group consultants have many years of experience in the field of digital media and integrated communication using scientific methods and techniques. s’nce group invests and is in close contact with prestigious academic institutions in order to propose its clients with cutting-edge solutions. INTERNATIONAL s’nce group has always been involved in international and ambitious communication projects. s’nce group own methodologies and know-how are particularly appropriate in managing complex projects. FLEXIBLE s’nce group is a communication atelier, where each project is designed and fulfilled with care and passion during its development. Our customers always find a trusting and comfortable atmosphere which is well appreciated and where they find as well the best in the field of communications and advertisin
Office Switzerland
Head office
Stabio, Ticino, SwitzerlandReviews
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