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Appleyard Agency
Pensacola, FL
01 Jan 1959
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Welcome to Appleyard Agency, a full-service advertising, marketing and public relations firm based in Pensacola, Florida. We've built a reputation for getting results, and we're ready to put our experience and creativity to work for you. One of the oldest advertising firms in the Northwest Florida region, Appleyard Agency was established by John and Eleanor Appleyard in 1959 — the year of Pensacola’s Quadricentennial celebration, which John helped coordinate at the state level. We were the first agency to offer in-house recording studios and television spot production on film, and the first of our kind to offer full-service advertising. Dick Appleyard joined the Agency in 1974 and became its president in 1987. Dick took his passion for retail advertising and customer satisfaction and moved the Agency to a new level. Over the years, the Agency has added services and personnel to meet the needs of its growing list of clients, which includes more than 50 local, regional and national businesses. Today the Agency
Head office
Pensacola, FLServices
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