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100 W 33rd St 5th Floor, New York, NY 10001, USA
Large (250-999) Company
Looking for business partners
Matterkind is a committed and uniquely resourced partner, leading the media world away from billions of opaque impressions to the right number of conscious connections. Matterkind (previously Cadreon) offers an expanded and enhanced suite of addressable activation solutions and advisory services, taking a people-first and ethical approach to engaging audiences and driving meaningful real business outcomes both across and within channels. The promise of Matterkind is the third step in a transformation that leverages the strategic data assets of Acxiom and the market leading technology applications of Kinesso to deliver an audience-centric set of addressable activation and management solutions across the media ecosystem. In leveraging Kinesso and Acxiom, Matterkind can drive results that are smarter, faster and more efficient. Matterkind’s AI-fueled optimization engine centers on audience, irrespective of channels, which allows for only touchpoints that matter. Matterkind operates in over 70 markets worldwide.
Head office
100 W 33rd St 5th Floor, New York, NY 10001, USAReviews
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