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BKCC Energy
Colleyville, Texas
01 Jan 2020
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
BKCC Energy LLC was founded to provide intellectual capital, downhole technological expertise, contractual sales, business and culture coaching for E&P and OFS Companies of small to medium size. We focus our attention where our collective knowledge can make the greatest impact on industry and society. Our team is uniquely and expertly qualified in all three phases of Upstream Oil and Gas: Well Construction, Well Completion and Well Production. Our team has worked in some of the most prolific oil and gas reservoirs and locations in the world and stands ready to help any company navigate the embedded challenges of this industry. We believe that the most economical way to do something is to do it right, all the way, the first time. Proper planning and a complete understanding of the problem is paramount. If we know exactly what we are trying to accomplish, we can plan to get there, together!
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