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ZOÏ Agency
Montréal, Canada
01 Jan 2000
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Founded in 2000 by Maria Varvarikos, ZOÏ (‘life’ in Greek) was established with the vision to help bring brands to life in creative ways. With offices in New York, Montreal and Toronto, our boutique agency offers each client full North American support and global public relations services. Comprised of young, seasoned professionals who are passionate about their work, ZOÏ Agency’s team assumes the role of brand ambassador rather than PR representative, forming an unofficial extension of the brand’s office and one that truly understands and communicates the unique identities of our clients. It’s our personalized approach that’s allowed us to form long-term relationships with our clients and our strong network of contacts, generating impressive and measurable results for each of our brands. With offices in New York, Montreal and Toronto, Maria and her team have been an integral part of the successful launches and branding initiatives behind top fashion, beauty, travel and lifestyle brands such as, WANT Les Esse
Head office
Montréal, CanadaServices
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