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CLS Strategies
Washington, DC
01 Jan 1993
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Government investigations. Regulatory and legislative challenges. High-stakes litigation. Attacks from adversaries or competitors. CLS Strategies designs solutions to untie the knottiest problems. We do what it takes to help our clients win when it matters most, in the halls of government, the marketplace and the court of public opinion. In today’s world of instant information, reputations, and perceptions, the odds for success can change in seconds. The margin between a successful communications campaign and one that falls flat has never been finer. Thriving in this climate takes the vision to see beyond fragmented tactics and reactive thinking – to see not just around the corner, but five moves ahead. For more than 20 years, clients on six continents have found success with CLS Strategies. Fortune 100 CEOs turn to us for counsel during a crisis. NGOs and foreign governments engage us to represent their interests in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere. We’ve helped trade associations and corporations navigate pu
Head office
Washington, DCServices
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