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Marbury Group
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
01 Jan 2012
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Marbury Group is a media, marketing, & advertising agency located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our mission is to develop and execute unique multilevel marketing strategies. Provide a consistent and superior level of professionalism and customer service. Create successful partnerships that deliver marketing and sales results with a tangible return on investment. The company has over 20 years in media sales experience that has developed into an expert level in media planning and buying. Multiple research programs (media audit, civic science and more) are analyzed to create and execute precise, efficient and targeted campaigns. Custom strategies are created to successfully reach client’s target demographic and deliver the precise sales message. In addition to planning and buying, Marbury Group provides a complete reconciliation on all campaigns to guarantee accurate execution and a profitable ROI. Our buying expertise will streamline the media process and deliver the best possible value on a local or national
Head office
Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaReviews
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Content Marketing
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Marketing Strategy
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Other Digital Marketing
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Social Media Marketing
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