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IPB Communications
01 Jan 2002
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
At IPB Communications we have a simple purpose: Creating communications solutions for organisations that have a positive social impact on our everyday lives through their work on our infrastructure, in our society and for our environment. We typically work in the following sectors: - Social housing - Social Care - Renewables - Recycling - Infrastructure and property development - Sustainability - Public sector - Energy - Transport This purpose keeps our minds challenged, enthusiasm fired and business driven. IPB Communications is an award-winning full-service PR, consultation, digital and creative agency that has been delivering Intelligent, Persuasive and Bold communications since 2002. We work with businesses and organisations large and small to help them communicate more effectively. Everything we do is closely aligned to your objectives. Whether you want to win new business, deliver a project or persuade a key audience, our award-winning work has delivered time and again for our clients.
Office United Kingdom
Head office
Clitheroe, Lancashire, United KingdomServices
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Above average
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