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Flipside PR
01 Jan 2003
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Flipside PR was established in 2003 by Directors Lynne Thomas and Ron Sullivan to provide a bespoke PR service based on the successful campaigns Lynne ran for Bare Escentuals, md formulations, Court House Clinics and the British Association of Cosmetic Doctors. Sending out press releases and products is only a small part of our approach. We get involved in our client’s business on a day to day basis and help them grow their business through a friendly and consultative process that is less about hype and more about hard work and strategic planning. The more we know about you the better the results we can achieve for you. This approach has been particularly successful with smaller brands. When businesses are starting out there is little or no budget for advertising and PR is a cost effective way and influential tool to spread the word about what’s new, true and different about your brand. We also run campaigns for our clients on social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook and we have cultivated relations
Office United Kingdom
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London, United KingdomServices
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