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Experiential Marketing Partners
Decatur, GA
01 Jan 2015
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We are creators. We are builders. We are an experiential marketing agency that helps brands and agencies bring their ideas to life. At EMP we bring strategy, insights, creativity, logistics, and planning to the table to help build a consumer brand experience that will not soon be forgotten. We can get scrappy and make things happen on a tight budget or we can pull together resources to help bring the big picture concept to fruition. Our mission at EMP is to provide beyond-expectation level service and quality for any project that we are a part of. We want our clients to have peace of mind that we are “on it” and give them the opportunity to sleep better at night knowing that EMP is there. We encourage our clients to challenge us: as, in turn, we are going to challenge our clients with outside-the-box thinking and pushing them beyond their comfort zone.
Head office
Decatur, GAServices
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