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Fire Engine Design Studio
01 Jan 2010
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
You need big ideas, captivating designs and focused attention to detail. And, it's hot. In fact, it's a FIRE. That's where we come in. Fire Engine Design Studio, located in the Kansas City Crossroads Arts District, is a boutique creative group made up of talented designers and production artists with a long history of big ideas, tight deadlines and precise accuracy. Design? We do it. Studio Production? We do it. We put out fires fast and work hard to keep them from recurring. We believe that better design means better business, and work with a variety of local, regional and national clients to deliver top notch results. No job is too big or too small. Give us a call to see how we can help you.
Office United States
Head office
Kansas City, Missouri, United StatesReviews
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