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Media Consulting
Lisboa, Portugal
01 Jan 1996
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
WE ARE AN INTEGRATED COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY For 20 years we have been helping companies build their brands and go farther through communication. Because we know that brands are living entities that have to empower their added value day in, day out, through a multiplicity of means, without ever losing sight of their strategic goals, we are the business partner with global solutions for a 360 vision. Our vast experience, in conjunction with our passion for communication and inspiration for brands, makes us the full-service agency acknowledged by the market: Communications Consultancy, Media Relations, Public Relations, Design & Creativity, Advertising, Social Media, Audiovisual Production, Events, Training, and Digital Media are some of the axes we exploit. [and there’s more…] We only do it in partnership with our customers. The strategy, the plans, the implementation, the results – in short, success – can only be fully attained when there is a full partnership and trust between the parties. “We Can Together! Th
Head office
Lisboa, PortugalServices
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