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Carolin Soldo
01 Jan 2012
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
The Carolin Soldo Coaching Team specializes in helping new and experienced coaches go From Passion to Profits® in their business and create the life they love. The team includes experts and coaches who dedicate themselves to their clients's success. Our mission is to help clients turn their passions into Online Coaching Businesses that provide freedom and wealth. Through our flagship Coaching, Mentorship Programs, and International Events we support our clients as they go forth and build profitable Online Coaching Businesses that change their lives forever. Our Core Coaching Team includes: Business Coaches Mindset Experts Sales Experts Breakthrough Coaches Copy Coaches Advertising Experts To find out more, go to and explore our Mission, Programs, and how we are making a difference in the world - one client at a time. To get started, take our FREE Business Training on the "3 simply secrets to gain all the Coaching Clients you could ever want - even if you're brand new!" here: www.carolinso
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