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Get Social Leads
Jacksonville, North Carolina
01 Jan 2019
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Get Social Leads comprises of a dedicated team passionate about helping businesses reinforce their digital marketing strategy and provide virtual assistants to help you stay organized, free up your time, relieve your stress, simplify your life and solve your business problems. Our goal is to increase brand awareness for our clients, while helping 1. Email Marketing- Using the vision, you have for your business we’ll craft emails, to help you target your ideal customer. This type of service can be very effective as it has the power to reach prospective clients by the masses. We’ll configure the service, so that your business is not only advertising, but receiving valuable contact information to help you convert more sales. 2. Facebook Advertising- With Facebook, you have an effective platform that can help you promote your business and make a statement to prospective clients. Whether you’ve personally used this or not, let us become involved to amplify lead response and generation. 3. Google Advertising- Chanc
Head office
Jacksonville, North CarolinaReviews
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Content Marketing
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Marketing Strategy
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Other Digital Marketing
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Social Media Marketing
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