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01 Jan 2018
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Everybody loves a good story. It’s how we define ourselves, how we connect with others, and how we make sense of the world around us. At Hereby, we know how to harness the power of stories to deliver you results. Drawing on the depth of our team’s expertise, we produce cinematic-quality short films to tell your story—not only in terms of achievement, but also in terms of passion, personality, and impact. And because we work exclusively with attorneys and law firms, we are able to remain committed to you and our mission without spreading our focus too thin. Founded by an attorney-turned-marketing executive and driven by an exceptional group of talented filmmakers, digital marketers, and business strategists, the entire Hereby team is ready to help you convey your firm’s unique value propositions in an authentic and emotionally compelling way. In order to do that, we first get to know you—who you are, what gets you up in the morning, and what sets you apart from the competition. We dive into the nitty-gritty of
Office United States
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Carlsbad, California, United StatesReviews
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