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01 Jan 2000
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
You spend so much money trying to get people to engage with your brand that when you do, it’s imperative to maximize the opportunity. We’re the experts at helping you achieve a credible local presence by delivering scalable and contextually relevant brand experiences that help drive engagement and conversions across your channels. We call our area of expertise Local Content Optimization (LCO). Our roots: After 18 years of success as a local community publishing company, AmericanTowns Media recently pivoted to offer our platform to brands across the US that are trying to connect deeply with their audiences in an enormously scalable, cost-effective way. It is AmericanTowns Media’s unmatched ability to connect with communities across the U.S. that prompted AARP to approach the company in 2012 for help to establish a more local presence. Six years later, 80% of their members now feel that AARP is very much a part of their local community. AmericanTowns Media has partnered with several other well-known brands to f
Office United States
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Westport, CT, United StatesReviews
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