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DeVries Europe
01 Jan 2006
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
DeVries Europe is a consumer PR agency. Our mission is to eliminate sameness – the curse that all brands face when they chase culture instead of leading it. In its place we create distinction and cultural conviction, something consumers can be drawn to and believe in. We propel your brand to cultural leadership by being cultural leaders ourselves. We absorb it through our presence in cultural hotspots around the globe, and share it digitally in seconds so that we remain perpetually at the cutting edge of developments, trends and values. And don’t forget what we think is most important – we’re human and real. Think of us as that family member who will tell it to you straight, who will make you look outside of yourself and your brand to what’s really going on in culture. So that when you talk, it’s more than just you who is listening. So come on. Say hi.
Office United Kingdom
Head office
London, United KingdomServices
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