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BPope Productions
Hickory, NC
01 Jan 2013
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
BPope Productions is a full-service video marketing agency specializing in business films, live event streaming, wedding films, and aerial Drone media (FAA Certified). BPope Productions focuses on creating captivating video for customers to use to their potential clients/customers through stunning visuals, clear message, and delivery. Video is the most powerful marketing medium that can communicate your message so that others will notice and listen. Grab the attention of your audience with visual storytelling....whether your intent is to educate, entice, expand, or archive you can achieve your goals with BPope Productions today! BPope Productions aims for artistic excellence and a commitment for repeat clients, providing quality multimedia productions in Hickory Metro Region and Charlotte, NC Bottom Line: Our belief is creating a great quality product with an exceptionable time table.
Head office
Hickory, NCReviews
Votes for all services: 0
Content Marketing
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Marketing Strategy
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Other Digital Marketing
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Social Media Marketing
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