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Spike - Growth Marketing Agency
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
01 Jan 2017
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Traditional marketing channels are saturated. It's difficult to attract new users and keep them on your platform. It's even more difficult to raise investment for your startup. We have the mindset not to outbid but outsmart your competitors by using both traditional and upcoming channels. We help you grow your startup to its fullest potential by implementing experiment-driven growth processes to find and utilize current opportunities in the market. We are experienced in helping startups raise investments through crowdfunding projects and amplifying the user growth of marketplace companies through experimenting with digital marketing channels. Spike helps you grow by leveraging PPC, SEO, Social Selling, and Content marketing channels. We design demand through rapid experimentation. Derisk your company. Grow efficiently.
Head office
Amsterdam, Noord-HollandReviews
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