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01 Jan 2000
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Webgene has worked with a range of clients by providing the best digital marketing strategies, campaigns and services. We design, build and create value for our clients, including famous brands such as Nike, Unilever products (Pond’s, Vaseline, Mod’s Hair, Lipton), Family Mart (one of the largest convenience store chains in Taiwan), Zespri, Philips etc. We believe that talent and the innovation spirit are the most important assets of a company. Webgene possesses a good number of talents and experienced planners, designer and IT engineers and constantly invest in experimental projects. Today Webgene, in the 15th year, is one of Taiwan’s top 5 digital marketing companies. We look forward to working with the best partners from around the world.
Office Taiwan
Head office
Taipei, SungSaun, TaiwanRecognitions
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Profile score:
Above average
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