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Montreal, Quebec
01 Jan 2011
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Wavo is a rapidly-expanding technology company with a modern approach to digital marketing. With roots in the music industry, Wavo navigates the continually evolving digital landscape to help artists, entertainers, and brands manage their digital presence, reach new audiences, and connect with fans through technology and consulting/agency services. Wavo’s mission is to help artists and music companies make better decisions by connecting them to actionable and transparent data. Our strength – delivering analytics, intelligence and advertising tech and services quickly and effectively – is at the core of what we do. Wavo’s analytics, business intelligence, and other innovative technology tools, give our team and clients a critical edge by connecting them to the insight and analysis they need to maximize the effectiveness of their marketing initiatives. Our clients include over one hundred top music destinations and advertisers such as Universal Music Group, Sony, Warner Music Group, Live Nation, CAA, WME and Ap
Head office
Montreal, QuebecReviews
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