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Dzine It
New York, New York
01 Jan 2003
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Established in 2003, dzine it is a boutique web development and programming firm located in New York City. Capable of delivering high quality work across the USA, we can fluently interact with clients regardless of locale. dzine it’s creative and development teams are comprised of talented artists and skillful site architects. Our designers have degrees in various visual arts, and they each possess years of experience in graphic design, web design and programming. Together we combine the experience of artistic flair and insight to produce outstanding designs that most importantly work to satisfy all of your business objectives. We feel great websites reflect organized content, intuitive navigation and visual appeal. With these concepts in mind, our team creates clean, professional designs and web-based programming applications for all types of businesses and organizations, regardless of size. Adherence to the following Business Conduct Tenets allows us to deliver the best for your business needs, on
Head office
New York, New YorkReviews
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