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Runyon Saltzman
Sacramento, CA
01 Jan 1960
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
RSE is an integrated marketing and communications agency offering a wide range of services under one roof: strategy, creative, production, digital, media, public relations and public affairs. With nearly 60 years of experience, RSE has honed its reputation as one of the leading, independently owned agencies in Northern California. With a satellite office in New York City and teammates in Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago and Washington, D.C., we are positioned to hit the ground running throughout the nation. Our talent base includes seasoned designers, strategists, producers, copywriters, media planners, pitchers, subject matter experts and digital specialists. RSE’s culture is rooted in helping promote social good through community engagement, cause-related marketing and social impact work. Recent RSE-driven campaigns include: Mental Health Stigma Awareness (“Each Mind Matters”), Obesity Reduction and Physical Activity (“Champions for Change”) and Education Outreach (“I Can Afford College”). Check out mo
Head office
Sacramento, CAServices
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