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01 Jan 2014
Huge (999+) Company
Looking for business partners
Ensemble Health Partners is a leading innovator in revenue cycle management, helping healthcare providers improve financial outcomes and patient experiences with an unrivaled depth of expertise and best-in-class technologies. Ensemble offers full revenue cycle outsourcing as well as a comprehensive suite of healthcare financial management point solutions. With clients spanning the U.S. and Europe, we have been helping to improve healthcare outcomes for millions of patients while saving hundreds of millions of dollars for healthcare providers. We are committed to bringing every provider that we support to the peak of revenue cycle excellence. Our approach forges true partnerships that dive deep into the details to find solutions and deliver results that last. Recognized with multiple industry awards and as a Becker’s Healthcare Top Workplace, Ensemble is setting a new standard for provider support services - redefining the possible in healthcare by empowering people to be the difference.
Office United States
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Cincinnati, OH, United StatesReviews
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