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01 Jan 1982
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Fenton is the social change agency. Fenton opened its doors in 1982 with a unique mission: serve the public interest by creating powerful issue campaigns that make change. With our clients, we have contributed to some of the defining change movements of the past quarter century, from ending apartheid and curbing global warming to protecting people from harmful toxins. We’re experts. The news and information landscape is changing dramatically, but one thing hasn’t: The most effective way to win hearts and minds is to tell unforgettable stories– and build movements through traditional and digital organizing to advance them. Fenton can help. Our strategists in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. combine decades of issue expertise from the non-profit and corporate sectors with creativity and innovation to connect with your target audiences. We’re choosy. Fenton has always been selective about who we work with. We only represent causes we believe in ourselves. This policy not only serves our
Office United States
Head office
New York, NY, United StatesServices
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