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The Halo Group
New York, NY
01 Jan 1994
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
The Halo Group, a Didit Company, is a marketing communications and branding agency that helps companies bring value to every experience a customer has with their brand. To do this, Halo brings together experts in business, branding, creative, public relations, digital, traditional and social media to work as a single team. They are working alongside a select group of international, national and regional clients to build relationships around the globe. Halo’s work and staff have been honored with some of the industry's top awards; Telly, Webby, and Internet Advertising Competition Awards. Founded in 1994, headquartered in New York, The Halo Group is a member of AMIN, AAAA, PRSA, AMIN, NAWBO, and a recognized MWBE. Visit to see how we shine.
Head office
New York, NYServices
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