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Tangerine PR
01 Jan 2002
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Named Social Media Agency of the year in 2011, Juice Digital was dedicated to monitoring the latest trends in social media usage to recommend the most effective strategies for clients. In early 2008, Juice’s founders recognised the enormous potential of emerging social media marketing techniques. They also noticed that most agencies were still just paying lip-service to it and simply bolting social media marketing on to an existing service. They identified a need for a specialist social media agency to live and breathe the subject and to keep ahead of this developing marketing channel. Juice Digital was bought by Tangerine in 2009 and is now fully incorporated into the communications consultancy’s integrated offering. With this digital heritage and expertise, Tangerine manages the communications strategies of a host of leading national and global brands, in both the consumer and B2B realms, across all online and offline channels. Just like Juice Digital, Tangerine is committed to delivering better, bolder, br
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