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Blue Hominy Public Relations
01 Jan 2014
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Based in Atlanta and founded in 2014, Blue Hominy Public Relations generates buzz for lifestyle and hospitality-focused businesses around the nation, including design firms, mixed-use destinations, restaurants, bars, breweries, products, retail shops, markets and festivals, and more. Our services include: - developing thoughtful PR strategies & editorial timelines for openings, launches & ongoing PR - managing media relations, including pitching, securing, & fact-checking stories in print, digital & broadcast media - honing brand messaging & key points - training for press interviews, including live TV & radio segments - press kit development - assembling custom media databases segmented by industry & geographic focus - organizing participation in relevant events & tastings - writing press materials, including backgrounders, fact sheets, bios & sample Q&A's - copywriting for websites, blogs, e-newsletters & more - facilitating introductions with journalists & industry influencers - vetting opportunities for n
Office United States
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Atlanta, Georgia, United StatesServices
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