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Van Dyke•Horn Public Relations
Detroit, Michigan
01 Jan 1998
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
VAN DYKE•HORN IS MICHIGAN'S LARGEST MINORITY-OWNED PUBLIC RELATIONS AGENCY. WE DESIGN AND EXECUTE INTEGRATED AND STRATEGIC CAMPAIGNS THAT RESONATE WITH OUR CLIENTS' INDUSTRIES AND THEIR AUDIENCES. WE ARE RESPECTED FOR OUR SKILL AND INTEGRITY AND DEDICATED TO OUR CLIENTS AND OUR COMMUNITY. Formerly Berg Muirhead and Associates, Van Dyke•Horn builds on the foundation established by its founders with a 20-year track record of successfully serving clients. While we serve clients globally, it’s Van Dyke•Horn’s philosophy to not simply work from our offices in Detroit and Lansing, but to be deeply ingrained in the communities where we do business. Our clients benefit from our intentional, relationship-driven philosophy. It’s our team of industry experts that all abide by Van Dyke•Horn’s relationship-driven philosophy that drives our clients’ results. Van Dyke●Horn has worked with more than 100 clients in a wide range of industries, including government, transit, health care, education, nonprofit, cultural, technol
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