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Jago Communications
Belfast, United Kingdom
01 Jan 2012
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Jago is a national and international communications and public relations practice committed to strategy, insight and creativity that delivers real impact, measurable commercial value and stand-out work for our clients. As technology advances, industries are disrupted and people’s preferences for finding and engaging with information ever-evolving, a successful communications strategy is more challenging than ever. At Jago, we are committed to honing our craft, diversifying our offering, and continuously learning to stay ahead of the game and offer the best service to clients. We’ve produced award-winning work for a broad range of clients of all shapes and sizes, across a multitude of market sectors and industries, and at the local, national and international level. Working with Jago you are guaranteed that we’ll go above and beyond to ensure your overall business objectives are met in the most impactful yet cost effective way. Our success is dependent on our clients’ success and we don’t take that lightly. In
Head office
Belfast, United KingdomServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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