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Kimball Hughes Public Relations
Blue Bell, PA
01 Jan 1995
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Kimball Hughes Public Relations is a results-driven, public relations agency dedicated to serving the unique public relations needs of each of our clients. We provide innovative public relations solutions that generate the media coverage and awareness you need to differentiate yourself in today’s marketplace. Our Public Relations services include media relations, publicity and corporate communications, social media planning and implementation, as well as community affairs, event planning and other specialized services. While we are well known as leaders in the insurance and financial services industries, we also have long history of success in many other industries, from health care and technology to power sports and sustainable energy. As experts in Crisis Communications, we help you develop effective strategies, prepare crisis management plans and offer a 24-hour crisis response service so you can communicate effectively with the media, communities, customers, governments and investors. Our careful evaluati
Head office
Blue Bell, PAServices
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