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White 64
Vienna, VA
01 Jan 1964
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
WHITE64 is a full service creative agency in the Greater Washington D.C. metro area. For over 50 years, we have applied our talent, tenacity, and technology to create meaningful brand engagements that perform and endure. We specialize in creating emotional connections with consumers and stakeholders by activating the shared values and experiences between brands and the people they serve. In other words, we create believers by turning brand purpose into brand platforms. Our capabilities are designed to consider every touchpoint in the customer journey: brand strategy and comms planning, design and identity, media planning and buying, integrated advertising and content creation, film and production, social media strategy and management, UX and digital development, reporting and analytics, and even corporate communications. We serve all category verticals on both an AOR and project basis, offering expertise in financial services, credit unions, travel and hospitality, tourism, transit, advocacy, and retail.
Head office
Vienna, VAServices
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