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01 Jan 1994
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
The Mullikin Agency is a full-service advertising, marketing and public relations company serving a wide variety of clients. Conveniently located at the crossroads of Northwest Arkansas in Springdale, just off Highway 412, we serve clients locally, regionally, and nationally. Our award-winning staff of professionals offers in-depth experience in electronic, Internet, print, broadcast, outdoor, transit, and trade publications advertising. Media planning, research, design, website creation, placement, and promotional items are services we provide. We are truly here to meet your needs. Achieving success for our clients is a passion, and we do so with integrity, hard work, and attention to detail. We have created many succesful turnkey campaigns and promotions during the past 15 years. Today The Mullikin Agency is well known and respected as the largest placer of advertising in Northwest Arkansas!
Office United States
Head office
Springdale, AR, United StatesServices
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