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Brink Communications
01 Jan 2012
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Equal parts marketing savvy, social activism and political know-how, Brink is a new kind of communications group. After navigating two presidential campaigns and three gubernatorial administrations, we quickly learned how to talk about the most complex issues in the most simple and accessible ways. And we saw that strategic thinking and good storytelling had enormous possibilities beyond the political landscape. Since our formal inception in 2012, Brink has turned profit-based resources into civic-minded initiatives. Initiatives we truly care about, like sustainable energy, social equity and alternative transportation. As a communications firm, we’ve been through everything, and we always remain calm under fire. Because at the end of the day, there will always be another story to tell.
Office United States
Head office
Portland, Oregon, United StatesServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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