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01 Jan 1991
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
With offices in Philadelphia and Chestertown, MD, Benchworks is an independent healthcare marketing and advertising agency for the life sciences. The success we build for healthcare brands is based on intentionally integrated thinking that stems from a curated mix of creative agency pros, former industry brand champions, commercialization experts, technologists, and scientists. As a lean, efficient team, we focus on 4 pillars of brand success: creative, strategy, technology, and science. We partner with pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies to build business and brand strategies that drive measurable, meaningful results. At Benchworks, we are built for an increasingly complex business environment–which means we can flex, scale, and pivot according to our clients' needs. Our integrated, 360 approach to brand challenges offers our life sciences partners the best ways to succeed and, in turn, achieve great things for patients, their loved ones, and their healthcare professionals. Learn more about
Office United States
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Chestertown, Maryland, United StatesServices
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