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The Brandman Agency
New York, NY
01 Jan 2000
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
The Brandman Agency is a dynamic, results-driven public relations firm, specializing in luxury travel, tourism, real estate and lifestyle brands. One of New York’s premier boutique PR agencies, their reputation for excellence is a direct result of a strong history of producing impressive targeted results. The client roster includes a selection of the world’s most prestigious brands, clearly demonstrating the agency’s dedication and commitment to the goals of each and every client. Highlights include placements in the world’s most important media markets, with a strong emphasis on building relationships with industry influencers, along with strategic and consistent media outreach. The Brandman Agency includes a focus on promotion in the following areas: lifestyle-driven, mixed-use real estate developments, five-star international hotel and resort collections, tourist boards, award-winning country house retreats, independent boutique hotels, travel web sites, private islands and exclusive beauty and home produc
Head office
New York, NYServices
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