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Philly PR Girl
Philadelphia, PA
01 Jan 2010
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Philly PR Girl is a full-time public relations firm for event planning, social media management, marketing, and promotions. Our company was built on the foundation of networking and relationship-building. Owner Kate Marlys has planned, facilitated and attended hundreds of networking events, resulting in a strong and dynamic network of contacts in digital, print, TV, and radio throughout the United States. With an emphasis on organic branding and powerful online communications, our team brings winning strategies, forward-thinking implementation, and endless energy to non-profits and businesses of all sizes on both a local and national scale. How We Got Our Start In 2010, the Philly PR Girl blog was launched as an outlet for Owner Kate Marlys to get the word out about the hottest new restaurants, best entertainment, most popular events, and coolest business developments happening in the Philadelphia area. With years of experience in marketing and PR, Kate decided in 2012 that it was time to use her skills and e
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Philadelphia, PAServices
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