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Liquid PR
Birmingham, United Kingdom
01 Jan 2004
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We are an integrated PR, social, digital and design consultancy with offices in Birmingham, London and the Channel Islands. We pride ourselves on our passion for integrity and delivering excellent results for our clients. Along with reputation management & crisis communications, our specialist sectors include; B2C with food & tourism and B2B with finance, professional services, education and public sector. Our Channel Islands director, Lisa Downes was named Professional of the Year at PRCA City & Financial Awards 2020 and we're proud to be: - PRCA Midlands Dare Award 2017 winners - PRCA Workplace Champion 2020 - PR Week 4th largest public sector consultancy in the UK
Head office
Birmingham, United KingdomServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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Above average
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