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Orion Strategies
01 Jan 2007
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Orion Strategies is a strategic communications and public relations firm with a staff of experienced professionals in media and stakeholder relations, federal and state government affairs, grassroots advocacy, polling, research and creative services. The company hosts offices in Washington, DC; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Columbus, Ohio; and Charleston, Martinsburg and Buckhannon, West Virginia. Orion’s clients cover a wide range of companies and organizations that wish to affect public and/or political opinion. Orion’s specialty is assessing the needs of its clients. At Orion, we ascertain the necessary messages and audience, and we thoroughly research the communication required to utilize effective messages. Whether that is grassroots, grasstops, public education, policy persuasion or crisis communication, Orion works to fill in the holes. For this reason, clients across a broad array of industries and sectors utilize Orion’s services.
Office United States
Head office
Buckhannon, West Virginia, United StatesServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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