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EAG Advertising Group
Miami, FL
01 Jan 1999
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Executive Advertising Group (EAG) is a premiere multi-cultural, full-service advertising agency with a direct response approach. Our market is constantly changing. Our audiences are becoming more demanding and harder to captivate. In recent years, the advent of cable television networks, the Internet, smart phones, video games, iPods, and satellite TV and radio have empowered consumers with endless viewing and listening choices. Unfortunately, these technological advances have rendered traditional advertising strategies obsolete, fragmented audiences, and made it harder than ever to attract and retain target markets. As a result, the need for a revolutionary new marketing approach that utilizes a broad spectrum of integrated marketing communications has never been greater. EAG understands these challenges and has proven techniques and results to ensure that your company remains top of mind. Although EAG has created integrated marketing campaigns for a wide array of General Market and U.S. Hispanic products, s
Head office
Miami, FLServices
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