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JC & Associates Communications
01 Jan 2004
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
JC & Associates Communications, Inc. (JCA) was founded in June 2004, with an aim to assist enterprises building successful brands and businesses by creating a friendly, positive and receptive environment through knowledge-based and comprehensive communications. To achieve this mission, JCA blends the best of senior public relations practitioners, strategic advisors, and marketing experts. Our service team is a sophisticated and senior team with proven track records and sound judgment on communication strategy. Supported by her business partners, JCA also plays the roles as strategic advisor with strong fact-based analytical power and marketing expert sharing their knowledge and insights from the industry. All of these have made JCA an unique public relations agency in the market. In addition to her resourceful business partners, JCA’s competitiveness is even strengthened with strong initiative of self-reinvention, and her capability of managing the diversity and creating the synergy.
Office Taiwan
Head office
Taipei, TaiwanServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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