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01 Jan 2017
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Twist is an audience-led marketing communications agency based in Newcastle Upon Tyne. We specialise in delivering impactful communications campaigns across PR and social for brands predominantly in leisure and hospitality sectors. We also provide brand strategy, content creation and web development and ad hoc marketing support. So you could think of us as an extension to your marketing team. Everything we do is centred around the audience and we use insight to understand consumer behaviours, so we can deliver creative marketing campaigns that have impact. Twist’s ambition is to constantly challenge the norm and to turn conventional marketing communications on its head. We want to do this by delivering powerful and intriguing campaigns that get audiences talking positively about your brand. Our fresh approach towards agency and client relationships has proven to generate significant return on investment for our clients. So... now a little insight into the people behind Twist... Chrissie Plunkett heads up the
Office United Kingdom
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Newcastle upon Tyne, England, United KingdomServices
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