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Media Management Services
Columbus, OH
01 Jan 1979
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We work with small and medium sized business owners who have found traditional media (TV, radio, print) is too expensive for the results they are getting and they want to generate 15% growth in the next 18 months. They know about the importance of digital & inbound marketing, but are not sure how to maximize their efforts to get more and better leads. We help them have a consistent message across traditional and digital platforms to acquire more leads and customers. Media buying and consulting combining traditional and digital platforms to meet the marketing challenges of today's changing environments for small to medium size businesses. We explore ways to reach consumers by considering all aspects of traditional and emerging media usage. By providing a more focused and targeted media campaign, we help you reach potential customers in today's cluttered environment. We develop an individualized media plan that will meet or exceed your marketing goals and stay within defined budgets. The new model that we base
Head office
Columbus, OHServices
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