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Hough Bellis Communications
01 Jan 2016
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We’re a national, award-winning communications agency, working with great people to deliver great work on projects that improve people’s lives. If your work has a social purpose, we can help tell your story. Our work covers all areas of communications, engagement, PR and marketing, from big-picture planning down to the finest details of delivery. We work closely with organisations to understand their aims and to get the right message to the right people in the most effective way. From regeneration programmes transforming communities to technology companies bringing clean energy to cities, we care about the organisations we work with. Our work spans housing, health, social care, homelessness, energy, local government and more. We hire the best people from across the country so we’ve got all the PR, communications and marketing skills covered. Because we know the sectors we work in, we understand what our clients need – and we love to work as an extension of our clients’ teams. We pride ourselves on building la
Office United Kingdom
Head office
Sandiway, England, United KingdomServices
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