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01 Jan 1993
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
MTJ PR is an award-winning, Manchester-based PR agency, partnering with some of the nation’s best-loved FMCG brands and proud to have one of the UK’s best client retention records. We’re brand builders, pushing boundaries and challenging the status-quo. We aim high and never settle for second best. We’re a small team, but we think BIG and challenge ourselves to exceed client expectations. As individuals, we have complementary skills and expertise. Working together, we deliver! We’re experts in print and digital communications, social media planning and management, media planning and buying, second-to-none event organisation and first-rate incident management, but our skills don’t end there - we really do offer the full package! Our current and former clients include household names such as IRN-BRU, Jammie Dodgers, Rustlers, Swan, Golden Wonder, New Covent Garden and The FA. If you’d like to know more about how we can help to build your brand, or if you’re looking to take the next step in your PR career, why n
Office United Kingdom
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